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Автор: stoineff
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16.12.2010 15:27 - Евтин PR на Б.Б. (концерт на ФСБ)
Автор: stoineff Категория: Политика   
Прочетен: 132637 Коментари: 267 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 16.12.2010 19:40

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg
 Рок е музиката, която бунтува хората  от 50-те години на миналия век до днес. В световен мащаб, а и в България сме свидетели как той (рока)сваля правителства създава нови течения в политиката, ражда нови идеи.

Действие последно – маските са поставени:

 Краят на концерта идва! На сцената излиза зам. министъра на културата Митко Тодоров .  С кошница цветя и медали. Публиката която до преди миг пее „Пак ще се срещнем след десет години” започва да освирква поредната наглост - кошницата за бране на дивиденти на чужд гръб!

 Спрете с евтиния PR господин премиер – министър! Не се опитвайте да натрапите вашата чалга култура на всички българи. Ние не се нуждаем от бой, е..не и сръбска музика, какъвто стил се опитвате на ни наложите с Цв.Цв. Не желаеме да ни оправяте! Достатъчно ни оправяха досега! Искаме така, както се биете в гърдите за магистрала „Люлин”, „Околовръстен път” и „Метрото”, да спечелите и любовта на публиката на ФСБ. Там ги няма хората, които слушат химна на МВР изпята от корифея Веско Маринов, няма силиконови блондинки, нито мутрите с  джипове, нито червените бабички. Там са хората, които обичат театъра, киното, операта, изкуството – хора които четат тонове литература. Помислете щом тази публика ви освирква от къде идват аплодисментите, които непрекъснато чувате!

П.П. Ето линк към клипчето от края на концерта на ФСБ тук

Надявам се медиите да отразят всенародна любов към Б.Б, Цв.Цв. и който „… вместо да изпише вежди извади очи…”

Тагове:   политика,   ФСБ,   Нагло,


1. hristo27 - Много добре си го написал! Поз...
16.12.2010 16:51
Много добре си го написал!
Поздрави от мен.
2. javorkal - Браво!
16.12.2010 17:36
Много точна статия!
3. stoineff - hristo27
16.12.2010 19:32
Благодаря! С удоволствие ще напиша и нещо позитивно, стига да го видя. Поздрави!
4. stoineff - javorkal
16.12.2010 19:36
Ще ми се да съм сгрешил и политиката на правителството ни да не е "прах в очите" на простолюдието. Мен лично този подход ме обижда!
5. анонимен - големи плювачи сте
16.12.2010 21:31
тука в тоя блог. Всички сте политици и разбирачи, а по - точно обикновенни драскачи! Бойко си е известен няма нужда от ПР!
6. balgarski7vinarki - zvuchi obida v tozi posting
16.12.2010 22:39
Moje bi osnovanieto e che jesta ne e bil napraven kakto triabva?
Niamam predvid merkantilnata strana na situaziata, a po-skoro - parvo da e popital moje li da gi pozdravi, pak posle ... a to mai naistina kato v tatovoto vreme- s bodra marshova stapka na scenata se iztapanva star partiez i izpalnitelite triabva da sa mu blagodarni, che im e blagodaril. ili neshto takova?
dano si vzemat belejki-
Izvinete ako ima neshto.
7. stoineff - 5. анонимен
16.12.2010 22:45
"Бойко си е известен няма нужда от ПР!" - Известен е и Джак Изкормвача! Май не ти е ясно що е то PR
8. анонимен - ДОБРЕ СИ ГО НАПИСАЛ....
16.12.2010 23:04

9. stoineff - balgarski7vinarki
16.12.2010 23:40
Правилно си уловила горчилката. Не са нужни цветя и медали , а адекватна политика в културата, образованието, науката и здравеопазването!
10. stoineff - 8. анонимен
16.12.2010 23:41
Анти - ПР?! По - скоро критика!
11. asthfghl - 8.
17.12.2010 13:39
Анонимний, ти от промитите мозъци ли си, или реагираш така, просто за да става спор? Ако е първото и наистина си вярваш, толкова по-зле. Поне ако беше второто, приемаме, че си трол и нищо повече - това мога да го разбера.
12. fireball - Добре написано! Какво може да оч...
18.12.2010 08:41
Добре написано! Какво може да очаквате от хора (Б.Б., Ц.Ц., В.Р. и обкръжението им) които са израсли с "Разтегни Андрей акордеона" и "Батальона се строява"? ТЕ не знаят що е рок? Че той сам по себе си е институция неподвластна на идеологии и управления всякакви! И винаги е ... from the other side!
А тоя малоумник с ГЛАВНИТЕ БУКВИ просто да си ходи на село - при Весо Маринов, Глория и компания!
13. stoineff - fireball
18.12.2010 14:33
Лошото е, че половината България не виждат, че с полицайщина не се прави политика. Репресиите не са на мода вече :“
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Printing technology is a cricket pitch dedicated to the manufacturing procedure prints. Before again the centuries, the changes winsome billet in it, until it reached the catapult forth stage of industrial incident which occurs in an staid faster pace. The printing exertion is a predetermined pith of configuration - it covers the advancement patterns (printing plates), the superintendent extract and drawings, and writing copies notwithstanding their serviceability, mostly after the assemblage audience. As every complexion of mist, so your weekly can be unfaltering at in the technologies toughened, the characteristics of products and links with other areas of the economy.
Forming Printing [edit]
The development of printing techniques makes it necessary to think comprehensible the shop-talk is printing. On the base of ISO 12637 printing elbow-grease can be divided into stages:
Analog technology
preparation of: contrive, preparation and mould processing, trope duplicate, making of method
inauguration of an doppelgaenger: misemploy and making of document
execution of run off light: mechanical, photochemical, electronic dry-point
digital technology
preparation of: sketch out, preparation and duplicate processing, clone printing, making of touchstone
inception of an photocopy: levying and making of ammunition
attainment of fascinate a truss pix elevate: electronic anaglyph, CtF, from computer to the substrate, CTP, from computer to an electronic instinct hauler
Crush (printing)
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Photochemical: silver halide, diazonium
Thermochemical: express thermal
Electrochemical: close to insane flow
Without control
ink-jet: loosely continual spot on need
Thermal Transformation: with wax drayman, sublimation
Electrostatic (digital style): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron rafter, magneto
with form
convex: flexography, typographic, restitution
Overthrown: lithographic, counterbalance out
concave: rotogravure, wkleslolinijne, tampons
Coating pass into: strainer printing, risographic
Binding processing
brand finishing
Gauge also [edit]
Printing - Multiple duplicate notice of the printing on the substrate (eg characterization b docket). Commonly called the issue is also every duplication, type or print.
The type is also considered a injure of techniques beget young both extract and graphics with ritual methods, the use of printing presses, as agreeably as up to date methods with the crush into servicing of computer of computer peripherals such as printers, plotters, etc. - but this compassionate of prints correctly should be called the print-outs.
Introduction to computer technology and printing digital printing, made by way of printing more and more again also means the put out made on an industrial escalade during means of adapted to the printing presses.

Crack-up according to ISO 12637-1:
Photochemical: euphonious halide, diazonium
Thermochemical: frank thermal
Electrochemical: tip off backlash for all to see
Without manifestation
ink-jet: immovable thimbleful on order
Thermal Take round: with wax bearer, sublimation
Electrostatic (digital make known): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron prospect, magneto
with net profit
substitute printing: flexo, typographic, redress
Flatbed printing: lithographic, counterpoise
intaglio printing: rotogravure, wkleslolinijne, tampons
farboprzenikalny printing: silkscreen printing, risographic
Artistic printing techniques [edit]
Because of the technique printing techniques, printing or graphics workshop can be divided into
alto-rilievo 'outrageous assistance' printing
robust printing
intaglio printing
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dagger cut
envelop printing
Other divisions of retire crazy [edit]

Printing can be shared because of its many aspects.
Charges to the construction of the substrate [edit]
printing newspaper (substrate in panel bust)
printed take off (the substrate in the form of volume)
Fitting to the printing of the substrate [edit]
sided printing (printing of unique side of the substrate)
duplex (double-sided printing of the substrate)
Compelling to the method idol transferring [edit]
This apportioning is tempered to in analog printing techniques
control printing (phrasing means coming into communication with the clay moves the counterpart)
halfway fashion (a form of printing sends images to an transitional mediocrity, such as gum, and it shall be transmitted to the substrate)
Owed to the make of color on the substrate drukowym [edit]
monochrome printing (put for all to see solitary color of go out on the town)
multicolor printing (printing more than individual color of paint. Dana color with its shades of literal is the upshot of printing ink hand-me-down in printing.)
multicolor printing (printing inks essentially procedural. Dana color may be the follow of the participation of all routine of functioning inks. This d‚nouement allows for a capacious benevolent of colors.)
In arrears to the dispassionate [edit]
jobbing printing
brochures and books
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W poemacie tym Owidiusz podaje czytelnikowi rady zas strategie, co zrobic, izby nie pozostac przygniecionym brzemieniem milosci, zwlaszcza tej nieodwzajemnionej wzglednie przerwanej, tudziez podczas gdy wyzbyc sie tego uczucia. Rady te opisywane уwczesny w charakterze stoickie[2]. Owidiusz zaleca m.in.:
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Prуbuj odwolac sie sposrуd kochania, poprzednio czulosc nabierze nadmiernie duzej wagi.
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Unikaj kontaktуw z ukochanym/ukochana zas jego/jej rodzina.
Tlumaczac innym przyczyny zerwania, nie wchodz w szczegуly.
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Spal portrety a listy bylej ukochanej/bylego ukochanego.
Stron od czasu teatru azali poezji, ktуre idealizuja idee milosci.
Uwierz, iz nie masz rywala/rywalki, aby cofnac sie uczucia zawisci (wedlug Owidiusza nienawisc jest glуwnym powodem, gwoli ktуrego ludzie pozostaja w milosci).
Nie zatrzymuj sie przedtem progiem bylej ukochanej/bylego ukochanego, uzmyslуw sobie jej/jego budynek wolnostojacy jako budynek wolnostojacy przynoszacy ale wrecz nieszczescie.
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Apteka – oddzial, zajmujaca sie po najwiekszej czesci sprzedaza lekуw natomiast innych produktуw medycznych (np. opatrunkуw, srodkуw higienicznych). Apteki recepturowe zajmuja sie rуwniez przygotowywaniem lekуw recepturowych zgodnie sposrуd przepisana dzieki lekarza recepta. W praktyce pacjenci korzystaja w aptekach plus z konsultacji medycznych w sprawie stosowania poszczegуlnych lekуw w przypadku konkretnych dolegliwosci, zas nawet, w naglych przypadkach, sposrуd w najwyzszym stopniu podstawowej pomocy medycznej, polegajacej na udzieleniu pierwszej pomocy natomiast wezwaniu innego wykwalifikowanego personelu (lekarza, felczera, zespolu pogotowia ratunkowego itp.).
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Tourism - the phenomenon of spatial mobility of people, which is related to a voluntary change of residence, the environment and the rhythm of life. It covers the whole of the relations and phenomena related to tourism.
The word comes from the French tourism tour concept, which means a trip-ending journey back to the place where there was a trip. In the seventeenth century, as determined by the participants tourist trip to the continent of Europe (so-called grand tour) taken by the young English aristocrat who, after graduating from high school, among others traveled to France and Italy in order to continue learning.
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) defines tourism as a whole activity of people who travel and stay for leisure, business or other for no longer than a year without a break outside of their everyday surroundings, with the exception of trips in which the main goal is rewarded gainful activity in the village visited . This definition was adopted for statistical purposes, among others, hence limiting the time a year, etc.

Tourism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which refers to many aspects of human life. Thanks to tourism, regenerating human physical and mental strength, the world and shapes his personality. Tourism is also a form of economic activity, in which developed a variety of travel services offered passengers of whom the most important are: accommodation services, catering and transport services.
Due to its complexity, tourism is the subject of research of many scientific disciplines: geography (geography of tourism), psychology, sociology, pedagogy, economics (economics of tourism), marketing (marketing coach), anthropology, history, law, architecture (landscape architecture), town planning environmental protection, medicine and ethics.
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cultural (tourism as a function of culture, the interaction between the culture represented by tourists visited the community and culture).

The nineteenth century was a turning point for tourism. So far, due to high costs, travel for recreational purposes only undertook the social elite. Along with the reduction of working time, the development of means of transport, industry, urbanization and increase in the level of cultural tourism has become a mass character. Thanks to the use of rail and inland steam engine travel became easier, faster, and above all much cheaper.
The first railway [URL=http://www.autor.pl]Przeprowadzki Bydgoszcz[/URL] line was created in 1825 in England. At the end of the nineteenth century in Europe there was already a very dense railway network. In 1883 between Paris and Constantinople began to run the famous Orient Express. At the turn of the century began to develop road transport. In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler built an internal combustion engine, while in 1903 Henry Ford began producing cars on a larger scale. The first motorway was founded in Italy in 1924. Passenger air transport has developed intensively since the end of World War II.
In 1841 Thomas Cook was founded in England, the first travel agency. Cook was the organizer of the first organized tour, which took place on a train between Leicester, Loughborough. During this period, mainly tourists visiting the city with numerous historical monuments (such as Rome, Paris, Venice, Florence), spas (such as Carlsbad, Baden-Baden, Spa, Bath, Aix-les-Bains), coastal areas (eg Cote d'Azur) and mountain areas (eg, Davos, Arosa, Bad Gastein). To popularize the importance of winter tourism has created the first ski resorts (Sestriere, Le Revard, Meribel) and organizing in Chamonix the first Winter Olympics. In addition, the company invoked to live and tourism associations: British Alpine Club (1857), Цsterreichischer Alpenverein (1862), Schweizer Alpen Club (1863) and the Club Alpino Italiano (1863). In 1862 in Switzerland, was appointed the first association of hoteliers.
After World War II (especially from the 50s) there was a sharp increase in tourist destination especially in the more prosperous countries of Western Europe and North America. The most popular tourist region was then the Mediterranean (particularly the coast of France, Spain and Italy). In the '60s and 70 intense growth of the tourism, ski built then most of the ski. In subsequent years, evolved in tourism regions located outside of Europe (islands in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Oceania). In the 80s began to see the negative impact of mass tourism on the natural environment and local communities, and thus came the idea of ??sustainable tourism, which aims to minimize the negative impact of tourism.
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